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Download Cdimage.exe Version 2.52 !FULL!


Apr 7, 2012 I've found out I could find cdimage.exe on the Web from one site only. It is called "CDIMAGE 2.52". It comes from Windows XP. CDIMAGE.EXE. you need this file to create your own XP CD from the 32 bit version of XP (which includes CDIMAGE) . Apr 7, 2012 I've finally got a working 32-bit XP CD!  .. This is my own build, and the images are taken from the install CD. May I link to a site where the file is available? Apr 6, 2012 I've found out that cdimage.exe 2.52 is available at this site:. Some links to it are dead, so I'll provide the link to one of the files. Apr 6, 2012 I downloaded cdimage.exe (2.52) from here:. A quote: This is the newest version, but the location on the web is very brief and unclear. Is the file really available for download somewhere? Apr 6, 2012 Where can I download cdimage.exe from? I've tried on the Internet Archive, and the file is there. the file name on the Internet Archive is cdimage.exe version 2.52. There's no version numbers in it, so there's no way to tell. May 23, 2012 I'd like to know what to do about these 2 links being dead.. may be the only ones still available. I'd appreciate it if someone else could share a link to an updated. Feb 22, 2013 Since some versions don't provide a link to the CDIMAGE.EXE download, here's a link to a file with the same name. Also, the file name. Cdimage.exe version 2.52 . Feb 22, 2013 A: Download the Cdimage.exe from this website. Cdimage.exe Version 2.52. by Jeff Sparks. If you can't use this solution, then go to the download page of the ISO, Project Summary/Abstract One of be359ba680

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